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Examinations and Demonstrations of Competency - Title 16, Article 4

California Acupuncture Regulations

1399.440. Location.
Examinations shall be administered at times and locations to be determined by the board. If the same examination is administered in more than one location, it shall be administered concurrently in each location.
1399.441. Languages.
Examinations shall be administered in English, Chinese, and Korean. An applicant shall notify the board of the desired language where provided for in the Application for Examination/Licensure. Translations and translators, when necessary for other languages, shall be provided in any language for which a translation is formally requested as provided above by a minimum of five percent (5) of the total number of approved applications. Otherwise, such applicants shall take the examination in one of the languages listed above.
1399.443. Examination Content.
  1. The examination shall test the applicant's knowledge and competency in the practice of oriental medicine through acupuncture.
  2. In order to pass an examination an applicant shall be required to obtain a passing score as determined by a criterion-referenced method of establishing the passing point on each part of the examination.
1399.444. Lapsed Licenses; Examination
Any acupuncturist whose license has been expired for more than three years and who is applying for a new license under Section 4967 of the code shall be required to take and pass the written examination before a new license may be issued.



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